Guangdong Henvcon Electric Power Technology CO., LTD.

Dongguan Electric Power Industry 10th Anniversary Walking Activity: Strengthen teamwork and move towards new peaks

Date: May 18, 2024

The power industry plays an important role in promoting social development and energy security. In order to promote teamwork and physical health among employees, Henvcon participated in Dongguan Electric Power Industry 10th Anniversary Walking Activit. This event not only enhanced communication and cooperation among employees, but also demonstrated the unity and fighting spirit of the power industry.


This hiking activity is not only an opportunity to exercise, but also a good opportunity to promote communication among employees. By participating, employees have a better understanding of each other’s strengths and specialties, and enhance their cooperation and collaboration capabilities. After the activity, the participants were filled with emotion, believing that this hiking activity not only relaxed and soothed them physically and mentally, but also made the team more cohesive, laying a solid foundation for the company’s future development.


Post time: May-20-2024